Saturday, September 25, 2010

Almost In Remission!

Great news - my halfway-mark PET scan revealed that I made "remarkable progress through chemotherapy" and my doctors said that my tumor is now so small that I am close to remission! The best part? I won't likely need any radiation after my treatment because I'm responding so well to the chemotherapy.

Well this just ROCKS!!!

That being said, I received my 7th treatment yesterday and it went by so fast! Why? Well, my long awaited desire to make cancer crafts finally happened! There is a cart full of crafts that I saw once but never again until yesterday, so I took full advantage. I painted this little picture frame (yes, being CRAFTY at CHEMO!).

Between the good scan results, the crafts and the controlled substances I was on for my nausea, I was having a grand 'ol time!

Anyway, this means that I've now completed 7 out of 12 chemo treatments. I'M OVER THE HUMP! Thanks to all my friends and supporters I have been nipping this thing in the butt!

Special thanks to the following people who have come with me so far and sat through hours of chemotherapy with me:

(I am now taking offers for further visits. All I can offer you are some awesome crafts and a Jamba Juice! And my ETERNAL LOVE AND DEVOTION.) Surprisingly, this is the same thing Satan lures people in with. No fears, Mandy = NOT Satan.

My grandma - first visit
My brother, Jaymes - 3rd visit
Bryce S. - 4th
Rob M. - 5th visit
Danny C. - 6th visit
Alessondra A. - 7th

(I've only been to one treatment alone, but my friends have made it point to keep my company ever since then! You guys are the best.)

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  1. Woo Hoo for being over the hump && getting great news! Way to go girl!

  2. OK you might think im super retarded but I cant find the "subscribe" button..Ive been following your blogs anyway by putting killing alice on my faves..but still no subscribe button lmao

  3. thats great girl! im so happy for you!
