Saturday, August 14, 2010

You guys rock my world! Really.

When I posted my status on Facebook yesterday stating that I was 1/3 finished with "kicking cancer's stupid butt," I never expected such an outpour of shock and support from my friends. I guess I expected that most people had found out by then through word of mouth or something. But I was wrong. I got at least 20 messages in my inbox last from friends explaining how they had no idea, and how they were there to support me.

What a response, though! Many people wrote to me saying that my blog brought tears to their eyes. Some people called me an inspiration. Others called me their hero. Some people called me superwoman. My god, I was not expecting that reaction. But it feels so incredibly amazing! I woke up this morning like a new woman, recharged and ready to take on not just Alice, but the world!

The best part was hearing from people who said that reading my blog and knowing about my diagnosis helped them get through their own pain of struggling with friends and family members' cancer diagnoses. To think that just putting my own story out there wound up helping others makes every word I've published worth it. Wow. I am at a loss for words how I feel right now.

So I really wanted to dedicate this blog to everyone who wrote to me yesterday, and today. To the people I've known for years - and the people I've never even met before -who wrote to me with their kind words of encouragement. All of your words have recharged me into supermode!

I'm so happy to be able to give others hope and to show everyone that cancer is not the end! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!


  1. God Bless you Mandy. We're lucky to know you


  2. I second Sharaf's comment beautiful lady x
